
Government Industrial Training Institute, Viralimalai Tamilnadu

Industrial training institutes are the backbone of countries man power and converting human population in to human potential. Every skill under the sun is imparted by the industrial training institute. Namely Fitter, Turner, Machinist, Electrician, Mechanics of Automobiles, Instrumentation, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning fabricators like Welder, Sheet Metal, Carpenters.

Apart from that hardware, software electronics computers, garments, textile technology, beautician, hair dressing, food processing and so on.

A Great Place For Education
A Great Place To Be
A Great Place To Learn
Learn Today, Leaders Tomorrow
Call to ask any question098654 47581


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-  The training cost is almost nil with the added benefits of laptops, bi-cyclye, text books, uniforms, shoes along with Rs 750/- as stipend per month.
-  The curriculum and certification is internationally accredited and recognized over 6 decades. The apex body of the institution is DGET Newdelhi. The curriculum is updated now and then to meet out the needs of the industries. We are marching towards industry 4.0.
-  The institute is located on the national high way of Trichy-Madurai kodumbalur nearer to the industrial town viralimalai.
-  The intake of an year is 128 trainees comprising of all the trades. The trainees are from surrounding villages of a first generation literacy. The trainees could contribute their skills to the various industries nearby and they are capable of competing in international level after certain input from the industries as an apprentice and as a trainee for a stipulated period.
-  Shortly we are going to introduce 6 months advanced courses
1. Industrial robotics and digital manufacturing technician.
2. Basic designer and virtual verifire
3. Advanced CNC machining technician.
4. Manufacturing process control and automation.

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